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After portraying characters of various Asian ethnicity except his own, he portrayed a Filipino American alongside his three brothers and sister in the independent film The Debut. Cooper and had a recurring role on Moesha. A punk band was later named after this character.īasco had guest roles on television shows The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Hangin' with Mr. Basco's breakout performance was when he appeared as the leader Rufio of the Lost Boys in Steven Spielberg's 1991 film Hook with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman. He got into acting taking on minor roles in television. He attended Orange County High School of the Arts in the Music and Theatre Conservatory and graduated in 1993. In Dante's early years, he was part of the Street Freaks breakdancing crew with his brothers. He has four siblings, including actor Dion Basco. Basco was born in Pittsburg, California, and raised in Cerritos and Paramount, California.

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